Watford DFS The following information is Copyright (C) 1983 Watford Electronics ... 9.2 Disc Catalogue In Watford Electronics DFS there can be either one or two catalogues on the disc. They are both in track 0, one occupying sectors 0 and 1, the other occubying 2 and 3. The two catalogues are identical in structure: Sector 00: 00-07 First 8 bytes of the 12 byte disc title 08-0E First filename 0F Directory of the first filename, top bit set if file is locked 10-1E Second filename 1F Directory of second filename . . . Repeated for up to 31 files Sector 01: ((H) indicates high order two bits of a number that doesn't fit one or two byes.) 00-03 Last 4 bytes of disc title 04 Count of total number of writes to disc in packed BCD 05 Number of catalogue entries * 8 06 bits 0,1 - number of sectors (H) bits 4,5 - !BOOT start option (*OPT4 value) 07 Number of sectors on the disc 08-09 First file's load address (Low byte, High byte) 0A-0B First file's execute address 0C-0D First file's length in bytes 0E bits 0,1 - First file's start sector (H) bits 2,3 - First file's load address (H) bits 4,5 - First file's length (H) bits 6,7 - First file's start sector (H) 0F First file's start sector, 8 low bits of a 10 bit number . . . Repeated for up to 31 files Sector 02: This will contain the first file on a 31 file disc. If this is a 62 file disc then it will contain: 00-07 8 * &AA recognition bytes 08..... As for sector 00 Sector 03: If this is a 62 file disc: 00-03 5 * nulls 04..... As for sector 01 The disc is recognized as being a 62 file disc by the 8 &AA recognition bytes in the disc title area of the second catalogue. This area would otherwise be unused. Standard DFS will not recognize the second catalogue, and will allow it to be overwritten.